Beetle on the Attack!!

symbolism of beetle

beetle universally symbolizes strength, good luck, creation,
teamwork, rebirth, and adaptation

Through its habits and characteristics, Beetle is strong, lucky, and creative,
It symbolizes teamwork, rebirth, and adaptability.

The first "Fashion Collection" of Romantic Tiger is
It appears with Beetle.

"Beetle" uses feminine toughness and brilliant creativity as a weapon
In a fierce world, I'm going to change a lot
It's an icon that represents women in this era.

Romantic Tiger's "Rebirth" collection inspired by "Beatle"
The image of a woman standing out as a more confident main character in her daily life It's a bold and lovely expression.


It expresses the strength of a femme fatale woman who leads girl crush.



serendipity (good luck)

It expresses the strength of a femme fatale woman who leads girl crush.

She transforms from a strong woman to a lovely woman
and into a strong woman again

We're conquering a world where we're not alone

It adapts like a chameleon at any time, place and situation
Romantic Tiger's first fashion collection with Beetle!
Get into a romance with the Beetle this spring!